Cultural Humility

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Developing mutually beneficial partnerships

with individuals, families, and communities.

For over two decades cultural humility has replaced the insufficient notion of “cultural competence” in multicultural education with a cyclical approach that embraces critical self-reflection as a lifelong learning process to create a broader, more inclusive view of the world.

Goal: Train participants to understand, apply, and facilitate the concepts, principles, and practices of cultural humility in their own work, along with diverse groups of community members and colleagues.

Principles: 1). A lifelong process of critical self-reflection and self-critique 2). Redressing the power imbalances in the patient-provider dynamic 3). Developing non-paternalistic mutually beneficial partnerships with communities on behalf of individuals and defined populations & 4). Advocating and maintaining institutional accountability that parallels the three principles above.



Overall Learning Objectives:

Participants who complete the full training will receive a copy of the powerpoint slides, facilitator’s guide, and become a member of a lifelong cohort with access to exclusive training and a network of resources.

Who Should Attend?

All are welcome, from community members, organizers, students, educators, healthcare providers, government workers, administrators, to elected leaders. Our entire community can benefit from practicing cultural humility. This training provides professional career development to begin transforming organizational policy and behavior.

Meet The Trainers:

Tyler Sekayouma Walls (Hopi/Onondaga) is the Owner & Principal Consultant of Two Row Consulting. He received cultural humility training from Dr. Melanie Tervalon Consulting, and holds a bachelor’s degree in American Indian Studies with a minor in Geography from Arizona State University. For 17 years, Tyler has been leading training sessions and facilitating dialogue with diverse individuals, community groups and organizations, in addition to federal, tribal, state, and local agencies. His greatest strengths are managing multiple projects that focus on strengthening the health and well-being of local communities – culture, people, and land.

Two Row Consulting was founded on January 15, 2022, in the State of Montana with a mission to cultivate change through collective action by providing professional training and facilitation services. Learn more about these services here. A portion of proceeds from cultural humility training are used to implement community projects that encourage critical thinking and lifelong learning.

The cultural humility model is sourced from a Train the Trainers session taught by Dr. Melanie Tervalon and Dr. Jann Murray-Garcia, along with their published article:

M. Tervalon, J. Murray-Garcia (1998). Cultural humility versus cultural competence: a critical distinction in defining physician training outcomes in multicultural education, Journal of healthcare for the poor and underserved, Vol. 9, No. 2. (May 1998), pp. 117-125